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1-How can I place an order?

We offer you a best wholesale ordering process.

  1. Check out our website for the latest collections and trendiest items in wholesale.
  2. When you have found the items that you liked and you think you can sell them in your shop or online, click on add to cart button.
  3. Once you have added all that you love, click on the Cart Icon on the top right corner.
  4. Click on Save the order - make the payment button.
  5. If you want to make the payment by Credit or debit card, fill out required details and complete the payment.
  6. If you would like to make the payment in different way, contact your sales representative.

2-Do I have to register to shop?


To place a wholesale order, you must register and sign in to your account.


3-Can I add and remove items from my order?


You can add and remove products freely from your shopping cart before completing your order.

You may also edit your order after you saved the order before the payment completed.

After the order has been completed, you can contact your sales representative and if your order status provides the necessary conditions, you can add or remove items.


4-How long do the items stay in my shopping cart?


Items will remain in your cart for limited time. We offer you that if you want to place the order, after you selected the items just save it and contact your sales representative to hold them for you until you maket he payment. The payment should be done in maximum 3 days to hold your order otherwise the items will not be hold no longer.


5-How can I see the amount of the discount I would receive?


Once you have applied a valid coupon code, the discounted amount will reflect in the total breakdown in your shopping cart. You may also request discount from your sales representative. Your sales representative will help you about discount depending on your order amount.


4-How can I track my order?


You can track your order status in 2 different ways;

1-You can track your order with the tracking number provided by sales representative.

2-You can also check the tracking number in your account. After logging in, click on Account then select ‘’My Orders ’’ to access your order history/status details. 



Sales Mngr - Mehmet UYANIK
Help - 0905466435216
Sales Mngr- Ferdi DURAN
Help - 0905466435238